The Pie Fund provides financial assistance to help make quality veterinary care available for companion animals suffering from cancer. We are a recognized 501c3 charitable organization,
and all donations to the Fund are tax-deductible.
Pets We've Helped - HELP
Roscoe is a 10-year old Pitbull mix diagnosed with Transitional Cell Carcinoma.
We’ve been silent for some time because the Pie Fund is out of funds. But it hasn’t stopped the calls from coming – we’re getting requests for financial help regularly. Our founders continue to write checks when a special case appears qualified, but we hate turning anyone away, as all pets are special to their […]
Many serious diseases, like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and stroke, have one thing in common – their appearance increases with age. The medical community is now studying a new way to fight off the risk of these diseases, not by curing them, but by delaying the aging process. The drug rapamycin has already shown […]
The Wall Street Journal ran another article on some new products that are in or soon coming to market for our furry loved ones. Here they are: Dog Parker offers a membership service allowing you to park Fido in a locked sidewalk crate while you shop. The crate has cooling fans for summer, is insulated […]